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啟示錄 6:10-11
「還要安息片時。」 - 啟 6:11

禱告是聖靈的恩賜,在我們悲傷時,禱告幫助我們抓緊神不放手。我們向神大聲呼喊,因為我們知道,我們的幫助是從「造天地的耶和華而來」(詩篇 121:1-2)的。如果我們傾聽神子民獻上的哀嘆禱告,我們便看出他們確實是認識神的。


這些聖徒們更相信神會垂聽和回應衪子民的呼求。神以「還要安息片時」來回答他們的呼喊「要等到幾時呢?」。聖經在彼得後書 3:8-9所說的,能幫助我們明白這個回應:「主看… 千年如一日。主所應許的尚未成就,有人以為他是耽延,其實不是耽延,乃是寬容… ,不願有一人沉淪,乃願人人都悔改。」

馬丁路德金牧師深深明白,我們祈求神幫助時,祂為甚麼這樣回應我們,他說:「要等到幾時呢?不會久了,因為宇宙道德之曲線雖長,但它還是朝向正義的一方。要等到幾時呢?不會久了,因為『我的眼睛已看見主降臨的榮光… 。』」



啟示錄 6:10-11



启示录 6:10-11
“还要安息片时。” - 启 6:11

祷告是圣灵的恩赐,在我们悲伤时,祷告帮助我们抓紧神不放手。我们向神大声呼喊,因为我们知道,我们的帮助是从“造天地的耶和华而来”(诗篇 121:1-2)的。如果我们倾听神子民献上的哀叹祷告,我们便看出他们确实是认识神的。


这些圣徒们更相信神会垂听和回应衪子民的呼求。神以“还要安息片时”来回答他们的呼喊“要等到几时呢?”。圣经在彼得后书 3:8-9所说的,能帮助我们明白这个回应:“主看… 千年如一日。主所应许的尚未成就,有人以为他是耽延,其实不是耽延,乃是宽容… ,不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改。”

马丁路德金牧师深深明白,我们祈求神帮助时,祂为什么这样回应我们,他说:“要等到几时呢?不会久了,因为宇宙道德之曲线虽长,但它还是朝向正义的一方。要等到几时呢?不会久了,因为‘我的眼睛已看见主降临的荣光… 。’”



启示录 6:10-11


Wait A Little Longer

Revelation 6:10-11
"They were told to wait a little longer. . . ." - Revelation 6:11

Prayer is the Holy Spirit’s gift to help us hold on to God and not let go when we are hurting. We cry out to God because we know our help "comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:1-2). If we listen to the prayers of lament raised by God’s people, we can see that they really knew God.

The prayer of the martyred saints in our reading today is based on the deep conviction that God is the "Sovereign Lord." The powers of the world—political, social, economic—may have prevailed in ending their lives, but these saints know there is more. Their death was not the final word. They continue to confess that God is the Sovereign Lord. They also know that God is like no other. God is holy and true to his word.

These saints also know that God listens and responds to the cry of his people. And to their cry, "How long?" God answers, "Wait a little longer. . . ." In 2 Peter 3:8-9 the Bible helps us understand this, saying, "With the Lord . . . a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient . . . not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., knew well this response to our prayers for help. He said, "How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. How long? Not long, because ‘Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. . . .’"


Almighty God, listen to your children praying. Help us to keep the faith until you come. Amen.