Making His Home With Us
John 1:1-14
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." - John 1:14
In the beginning, humanity had a beautiful home created by God for his creatures to flourish in. Adam and Eve were able to meet with God and walk with him "in the garden in the cool of the day" (Genesis 3:8), and they enjoyed perfect companionship with their Creator. But then they fell into sin, turning their backs on God's way, and they were banished from their home in God's garden.
Ever since then, humanity has been seeking ways to return. For many of us, our natural default is to imagine that we can find our own way back, that we can seek God on our own terms. If we are just good enough, or smart enough, or perhaps just better than the next person, then maybe we can make it home—or so we think.
The good-news message of the Bible explains, however, that even though our seeking after God is fruitless, God reaches out in grace and love to us. Though we live in the depths of darkness because of sin and death, the power of God's light shines into our lives, giving us new hope in the coming of Christ.
In Jesus, "the Word . . . made his dwelling among us." We could not find our way home to God, but, in Jesus, God has made his home with us so that we can be saved and live fully with him.
Lord Jesus, thank you for seeking us out when we could not find our way to you. In your mercy, prepare our hearts to receive you as you live among us and guide us by your Spirit. Amen.