Happiness In Having The Lord
Psalm 23
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. . . ." - Psalm 23:4
Some situations in our lives can make us fearful, like a dark valley where danger lurks. Maybe we've received a surprising medical report or a layoff notice. Maybe we've lost a dear loved one. Maybe our marriage is falling apart. Or it could be any number of hard situations at once.
What a blessing it is to have the Lord at our side in such times!
The psalmist did not fear because he knew the Lord was with him, always caring for him like a good shepherd. He had enjoyed good and peaceful times in God's presence, when all seemed to go well. And he trusted that the good shepherd would not abandon him in difficult times.
We can trust that God will never abandon us because his promise is not only to be with us here in this life but for all eternity.
Jesus' sheep are happy because he is the good shepherd who has laid down his life for them and will never let them go (John 10:11-18, 27-30). He supplies all of their needs. He protects them from evil. Even in the darkest valleys of life, Jesus' sheep need not fear because their shepherd has defeated death. Jesus has already taken away the sting of death—and now he offers us, free of charge, through faith, a happy and eternal life!
Lord, in you I have peace at all times, because you are always with me. The certainty of your presence assures me that I am safe in your omnipotent care. Thank you, Lord. Amen.