We Are All Influencers Now
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
"Your faith in God has become known everywhere." - 1 Thessalonians 1:8
I have a soccer friend who quit his full-time job to become a social-media influencer. He focuses on differences between Canadian and American products. Did you know that Corn PopsTM cereal is almost completely different in Canada from what it is in the United States? Of course, influencers are into everything from home design to fashion to video games and parenting. There's no end. But influencing is not new to our generation.
In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul reflects on the powerful effects of influence in this young church. Through Paul and his companions they were introduced to Jesus and, in turn, began to reflect Jesus themselves. Listen to what Paul says in verse 7: "You became a model to all the believers in [the surrounding area]. . . . The Lord's message rang out from you . . . your faith in God has become known everywhere." Talk about influence!
Think about your own faith journey and who has influenced you. Who made Jesus real to you?
And how about your own influence? What would it look like for the good news of Jesus to ring out from your life today?
Dear Jesus, may our lives be so open to the influence of your love and forgiveness that we bring that same influence to all the people in our lives and in all the places we go today. In your name we pray. Amen.