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申命記 34:12
「〔再沒有像摩西〕,又在以色列眾人眼前顯大能的手,行一切大而可畏的事。」-申 34:12



當我們要離開這個世界的家,往天堂永恆的家時(除非耶穌在這之前回來了),我們希望能這樣說:「那美好的仗我已經打過了…,所信的道我已經守住了」(提摩太後書4:7)。我們也希望能聽到我們的主說:「好,你這良善又忠心的僕人!」(馬太福音 25:21)。



申命記 34:12

12 又在以色列眾人眼前顯大能的手,行一切大而可畏的事。


申命记 34:12
「〔再没有像摩西〕,又在以色列众人眼前显大能的手,行一切大而可畏的事。」-申 34:12



当我们要离开这个世界的家,往天堂永恒的家时(除非耶稣在这之前回来了),我们希望能这样说:「那美好的仗我已经打过了…,所信的道我已经守住了」(提摩太后书4:7)。我们也希望能听到我们的主说:「好,你这良善又忠心的仆人!」(马太福音 25:21)。



申命记 34:12

12 又在以色列众人眼前显大能的手,行一切大而可畏的事。


Deuteronomy 34:12
No one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel. - Deuteronomy 34:12

Moses remained committed to the Lord until the very end of his life. He was a child of God, a diligent leader of God’s people, a prophet, and much more. Moses is described as a “man of God” and a “servant of the Lord” in the closing chapters of Deuteronomy. He knew who he was and whose he was. That makes a difference in one’s life. Moses was faithful. Though he was certainly not perfect, Moses finished well.

When we think about finishing well, we realize it is not a last-minute commitment. We can stay focused even when we must take detours and alter our plans. When we fall, we get up with the Lord’s help. When things do not go the way we thought they would, we cannot allow our feelings and thoughts to get in the way of doing God's will. We know we depend on the Lord in all things, and we stand firm in his strength.

When our time comes to leave our home on earth to go to our eternal home in heaven (unless Jesus returns before then), we want to say, “I have fought the good fight . . . I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). And we want to hear our Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21).


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, help me to be fully committed to doing your will until the very end of my life. May you be glorified! Amen.