Luke 10:1-20
"The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him. . . ." - Luke 10:1
In my first job as a teenager, I picked raspberries at a farm in Washington State. I can’t say it was my favorite job ever, but it gave me something to do for the summer and provided me with some money to buy baseball cards at the local gas station. More than keeping me busy and giving me a bit of money, though, that job helped to give me a sense of purpose for the summer.
Jesus sent out 72 of his followers with a task and a purpose. They went ahead of him to the towns and villages he was about to go to as he brought the good news of the kingdom of God.
As these followers went out, they shared the good news about Jesus, and they were even able to heal people and cast out demons. From their reaction it seems they were also surprised that they could do these things in Jesus’ name.
But that’s what happens when Jesus gives us a job and sends us out with his blessing. Even if we don’t feel fully equipped to do what we are called to do, Jesus goes with us and blesses our efforts.
The Lord has a task and a purpose for us to carry out. We are his followers on this earth, sent out to share his message with the world.
Jesus, thank you for sending us into this world to share your good news with everyone we meet. Amen.