John 3:1-15
"He came to Jesus at night. . . ." - John 3:2
Many people have wondered and speculated about why Nicodemus went to Jesus at night. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the ruling religious council, which was often opposed to Jesus. Was Nicodemus afraid of being seen by other council members? Did he go at night because Jesus would be less busy and have time for an in-depth conversation? Did John include that detail because it fit with his emphasis on light and darkness in his account of Jesus’ life and work?
Whatever the reason, the fact that Nicodemus went to Jesus with questions and that Jesus engaged him in conversation has always intrigued me. Nicodemus had questions about spiritual matters, and Jesus was interested in discussing those with him, even at night.
This encounter prompts me to ask, “Are we ready and willing to come to Jesus with our questions about faith?” We all have questions, and Jesus is always ready to hear them.
What are your questions about faith? Did you know Jesus cares about you and wants you to have “life to the full” (John 10:10)? You can ask him questions anytime in prayer, and Jesus’ followers can help with finding answers in the Bible and providing a community that supports you in faith. If you know some followers of Jesus, ask them for help with your questions. (You can also connect with ReFrame Ministries for more information).
Jesus, thank you for engaging with our questions and for providing people who can support and talk with us. Amen.