John 4:39-42
"Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony. . . ." - John 4:39
The Samaritan woman who had met Jesus at the well (John 4:1-30) ran back to her town and informed everyone that Jesus had told her everything she had ever done. Her story wasn’t a shining example of how to be a great person. But she shared how Jesus had talked with her and given her hope, despite her complicated past, and she invited others to come hear Jesus as well.
As a result, many Samaritans believed in Jesus both because of her testimony and because of his teaching.
It amazes me what can happen when we share our stories and we are able to spend time with Jesus and his followers. Jesus can use any story to help people put their faith in him.
How might Jesus use your story to bring others to learn about him and his great salvation? The Samaritan woman shared her story about how Jesus had changed her. Can we do that too?
No one’s life is beyond saving through the power of Jesus. The Lord can use all of our stories to bring others into his loving embrace.
How will you use your story and your encounter with Jesus to tell someone about his love today?
Jesus, help me to share my story with others so that more people may come to believe in you today. In your name, Amen.