John 11: 1-44
"Now a man named Lazarus was sick. . . ." - John 11:1
Losing someone close to you is never easy. Many of us have lost family members, friends, and people from our community who were very close to us. Loss brings tears and sadness and questions about “Why?”
When we read this Bible passage, we can’t help thinking about Jesus’ friendship with Lazarus and his sisters. This wasn’t just any man who had fallen ill and died. This was someone whom Jesus knew and loved.
So why didn’t Jesus come running to help Lazarus as soon as he heard about his illness? That’s what we want him to do. But maybe we need to realize that Jesus doesn’t always do what we think he should do. His agenda is not ours, and his time is not ours.
Jesus explained that his delay had to do with God’s glory, and he talked with his disciples and then with Lazarus’s sisters about faith and belief. What’s more, we soon learn that although Lazarus died and was buried for four days, Jesus was able to raise him from the dead!
This was actually just a small prelude to what would happen to Jesus himself. After he died to save us from the curse of sin, he was raised from the dead to show the whole world God’s power over death for us all!
Heavenly Father, you have power over all things. Through your love for us, show us that power in our lives each day, and help us to trust in you. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.