John 12:1-8
"Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair." - John 12:3
Again, we see Jesus interacting with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. They were giving a dinner in Jesus’ honor. And as Jesus reclined at the table with everyone around, Mary poured an expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and then wiped his feet with her hair.
This was a very unusual act, and we might have reacted in a way like some of Jesus’ disciples did, thinking it was a waste of money. But Jesus saw it for what it was—an act of sacrifice that pointed ahead to the preparation for his burial.
If we can picture for a moment being in that house after Mary poured out the perfume, we can imagine the fragrance filling the house. John even notes that the whole house is filled with the fragrance. But even if we take the perfume out of the picture, we can still imagine the house being filled with the “aroma” of this act.
Selfless acts of service and sacrifice tend to spread. People talk about them, describing what they’ve seen or experienced. Their stories can even inspire others to do selfless acts as well. Through acts like this, love, compassion, caring, and kindness are spread.
Maybe you are being called, in honor of Jesus, to do some act of humble service today. And maybe that act will unleash a fragrance that spreads to others.
Loving God, help us to see where you are calling us to serve others. Use us to spread the aroma of your love. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.