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馬可福音 9:7-8
「有一朵雲彩來遮蓋他們,也有聲音從雲彩裏出來說:『這是我的愛子,你們要聽他!』」 -可 9:7



「你們要聽他。」這個命令是對當天與耶穌在一起的門徒說的,也是對今天的你我說的。耶穌告訴了門徒,祂爲甚麽來,要做甚麽,但門徒並非時常聆聽或明白。不過,讓他們明白是非常重要的!只有當他們明白了耶穌要做的事,他們才能與所接觸的人分享—耶穌稍後就會吩咐他們這樣做(馬太福音 28:18-20)。




馬可福音 9:7-8

7 有一朵雲彩來遮蓋他們,也有聲音從雲彩裡出來說:「這是我的愛子,你們要聽他!」 8 門徒忽然周圍一看,不再見一人,只見耶穌同他們在那裡。


马可福音 9:7-8
“有一朵云彩来遮盖他们,也有声音从云彩里出来说:‘这是我的爱子,你们要听他!’” -可 9:7



“你们要听他”。这个命令是对当天与耶稣在一起的门徒说的,也是对今天的你我说的。耶稣告诉了门徒祂为什么来,要做什么,但门徒们很难明白。不过,让他们明白是非常重要的!只有当他们明白了耶稣要做的事,他们才能与所接触的人分享——耶稣稍后就会吩咐他们这样做(马太福音 28:18-20)。




马可福音 9:7-8

7 有一朵云彩来遮盖他们,也有声音从云彩里出来说:「这是我的爱子,你们要听他!」 8 门徒忽然周围一看,不再见一人,只见耶稣同他们在那里。


Mark 9:7-8
"Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: 'This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!'" - Mark 9:7

From the cloud on the mount of transfiguration, God said, “This is my Son.” Here God identifies Jesus so that his disciples will have no doubt about his identity. This is God’s Son, whom God sent to earth for a purpose. And that purpose was about to become clearer in the coming weeks. Jesus’ mission would soon lead to his death and resurrection for us all.

“Whom I love.” God’s feeling for his Son is also clear. God didn’t send his Son to earth on some deadly mission because he didn’t care about him. God loved his Son with every part of his being. This was a selfless act by a loving Father who hurt deeply because of what was about to happen.

“Listen to him!” This command was directed at Jesus’ disciples who were with him that day, and it is directed at you and me today. Jesus told his disciples why he had come and what he was about to do, but they didn’t always listen or understand. It was very important, though, that they understand! Only when they understood what Jesus was doing could they share it with everyone else they came into contact with—as he would command them to do later (Matthew 28:18-20).

Similarly, only when we listen can we fulfill God’s commands as well. So as we read God’s Word, let’s listen to what Jesus is saying!


Father God, thank you for loving Jesus and for sending him to us. Help us to listen to him faithfully each day. Amen.