Matthew 20:20-28
"The mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him." - Matthew 20:20
It’s easy for us to be critical of the mother who approaches Jesus in this passage. Her request is really outlandish. We might wonder, “How important does she think she is?” Or “how important does she think her sons are?” Sure, they were two of Jesus’ closest disciples. (They are identified earlier as James and John in Matthew 4:21-22.) But this request is over the top!
It’s also easy for us to understand the indignation of the other disciples. They had all been together with Jesus for a few years now—learning, healing, traveling, and doing all sorts of things they probably never thought they would do together. And now James and John’s mother comes to ask for her sons to be above all the rest? I wonder if James and John ever lived this down.
before we criticize this mother or her sons, it’s important to remember the lesson that this question prompted Jesus to teach. Jesus’ community isn’t about being first or best. It’s about being last and least. It’s about serving others and giving up everything, if necessary, for the good of everyone else.
This isn’t normal, but it’s what Jesus is all about. It’s also what Jesus’ followers—including us—need to be all about.
Humble God, help us to put others first. Help us to serve others. Help us to seek your kingdom for everyone and not just for ourselves. Help us to follow you, for your sake. Amen.