Deuteronomy 4:1-8
What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? - Deuteronomy 4:7
Sitting at home near a side window, I heard my little neighbor Simeon say, “Come on, Daddy.” His father was rolling a brand-new bicycle out of the garage into the driveway. Simeon had his helmet and knee pads on. He carefully got on his new bike. As Simeon's little feet paddled away, his dad stretched out his arms to hold on to the handlebars. Simeon laughed as he steered the bike carefully down the driveway with his dad right at his side. Father and son went up and down the driveway several times.
At one point, I heard Simeon cry. His father wanted him to try riding on his own, but Simeon didn’t like that idea. He continued to cry. Finally his dad said, “Simeon, I’ll be right here with you.” He gave his son what he needed, assuring him that he would not be alone. Simeon wiped away his tears. He looked straight ahead and rode without his dad holding on to the handlebars.
There is no god like our God! We do not have to go to a specific place to meet him. He is right there with us. We are always within God’s reach. He hears us when we call and cry out (Psalm 18:6), and he always cares for us.
Eternal God, thank you for always being close by. Even when it may seem that you are not there, you are. You are our ever-present help in times of need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.