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馬太福音 7: 7-11
「『你們祈求,就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。』」 - 太 7:7


耶穌教導我們禱告說:「我們日用的飲食,今日賜給我們」(馬太福音 6:11),那個簡單的「賜」字,在主禱文中出現,是否似乎不大合適呢?到底我們是誰、竟然敢膽吩咐神去做事?在此之前,主禱文一直都是以神為中心的,在禱告中,我們尊崇父的名和求祂的國度和旨意,現在,我們怎麼會變為吩咐神把注意力放在我們身上呢?






馬太福音 7: 7-11

7 「你們祈求,就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。
8 因為凡祈求的,就得著;尋找的,就尋見;叩門的,就給他開門。
9 你們中間誰有兒子求餅,反給他石頭呢?
10 求魚,反給他蛇呢?
11 你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女,何況你們在天上的父,豈不更把好東西給求他的人嗎?  


马太福音 7: 7-11
“‘你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。’” - 太 7:7


耶稣教导我们祷告说:“我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们”(马太福音 6:11),那个简单的“赐”字,在主祷文中出现,是否似乎不大合适呢?到底我们是谁、竟然敢胆吩咐神去做事?在此之前,主祷文一直都是以神为中心的,在祷告中,我们尊崇父的名和求祂的国度和旨意,现在,我们怎么会变为吩咐神把注意力放在我们身上呢?






马太福音 7: 7-11

7 “你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。
8 因为凡祈求的,就得着;寻找的,就寻见;叩门的,就给他开门。
9 你们中间谁有儿子求饼,反给他石头呢?
10 求鱼,反给他蛇呢?
11 你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女,何况你们在天上的父,岂不更把好东西给求他的人吗?  


Matthew 7:7-11
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." — Matthew 7:7

One of the most amazing things about prayer is that the Creator of the universe wants us to ask him to do things for us. We would never think of asking a prime minister or president to do a favor for us. Yet God not only lets us do that; he also encourages and even commands that we do it.

Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us today our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). That little word "give" seems out of place in the Lord's Prayer, doesn't it? After all, who are we to tell God what to do? So far, the Lord's Prayer has focused entirely on God. We've prayed about honoring the Father's name and seeking his kingdom and will. How is it that we can now instruct God to pay attention to us?

The answer to this question is in the amazing grace and humility that dwell in God's heart. God wants to have a close relationship with us. He wants to take care of our daily needs, and he wants us to know that we can approach him with confidence.

God wants us to know that because we rely on him for everything, and because he promises to care for us, we can ask him for all that we need—and that can range from things like amazing miracles to ordinary food like daily bread.

The King of heaven has turned his heart of love toward you. Looking at Jesus' example and knowing the promises God has made, what will you ask him for today?


Thank you, Lord, for your abundant blessings. Help me to share them generously with others so they too can know your love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.