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啟示錄 12:7-12
「只是地與海有禍了,因為魔鬼知道自己的時候不多,就氣忿忿地下到你們那裡去了。」 - 啟 12:12







啟示錄 12:7-12

7 在天上就有了爭戰,米迦勒同他的使者與龍爭戰。龍也同牠的使者去爭戰,
8 並沒有得勝,天上再沒有牠們的地方。
9 大龍就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦,是迷惑普天下的。牠被摔在地上,牠的使者也一同被摔下去。
10 我聽見在天上有大聲音說:「我神的救恩、能力、國度並他基督的權柄,現在都來到了!因為那在我們神面前晝夜控告我們弟兄的,已經被摔下去了。
11 弟兄勝過牠,是因羔羊的血和自己所見證的道,他們雖至於死也不愛惜性命。
12 所以諸天和住在其中的,你們都快樂吧!只是地與海有禍了!因為魔鬼知道自己的時候不多,就氣憤憤地下到你們那裡去了。」


启示录 12:7-12
“只是地与海有祸了,因为魔鬼知道自己的时候不多,就气忿忿地下到你们那里去了。” - 启 12:12







启示录 12:7-12

7 在天上就有了争战,米迦勒同他的使者与龙争战。龙也同它的使者去争战,
8 并没有得胜,天上再没有它们的地方。
9 大龙就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦,是迷惑普天下的。它被摔在地上,它的使者也一同被摔下去。
10 我听见在天上有大声音说:“我神的救恩、能力、国度并他基督的权柄,现在都来到了!因为那在我们神面前昼夜控告我们弟兄的,已经被摔下去了。
11 弟兄胜过它,是因羔羊的血和自己所见证的道,他们虽至于死也不爱惜性命。
12 所以诸天和住在其中的,你们都快乐吧!只是地与海有祸了!因为魔鬼知道自己的时候不多,就气愤愤地下到你们那里去了。”

War And Peace

Revelation 12:7-12
“Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” — Revelation 12:12

The apostle John saw a vision of war in heaven, of the dragon defeated and hurled down to earth, furious “because he knows that his time is short.” This is a vivid image of reality. It is the spiritual reality behind the wars that rage around us. As the devil whispers temptations in our ears, he also sows discord among the nations and goads them to war.

Human history reveals an unending parade of war and struggle. The past century has seen perhaps the worst destruction of all. Soon after World War I came World War II, with the Allies defending democracy and liberty against the threats of dictatorship in Germany, Italy, and Japan. Then Italy was defeated, and then Germany, and then finally Japan.

But the sense of relief and joy after World War II didn’t last long. More conflicts came along, from Korea to Vietnam amid the rise of communism, the nuclear arms race, and bitter fighting in the Middle East, to radicalist terrorism and years of war to try to stop it. It’s just one confrontation after another.

Only the return of Christ will put an end to all this trouble. And the dragon, along with death itself, will be destroyed. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!


Lord, we pray, for peace—your peace. May the peoples of the earth come to know peace with God. And may we be instrumental in bringing peace to others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.